
The Guild of Entrepreneurs Trust

The Guild of Entrepreneurs Trust is a charity registered in England & Wales, number 1166513

In keeping with the charitable obligations of the City of London’s Livery Companies, the Guild of Entrepreneurs is looking ahead to a dedicated programme of charitable works. As part of this, in 2016, the independent Guild of Entrepreneurs Trust was established, with its focus on financing charities and projects that support the development of entrepreneurs and help to bring the opportunities of entrepreneurship to young people.

The Trust is presently in its capital-raising phase, and any donation, great or small, helps to build the fund that will, in the next few years, begin to provide a sustainable income for the Trust’s charitable activities.

Our Charitable Trust has emanated from the freemen of the Guild of Entrepreneurs: one of the youngest Guilds in the City of London. In due course we hope to see the Guild progress towards Company and then Livery Company status but the Charitable Trust remains independent of that association